Walking =) [HQ]

05 Kasım 2010 Cuma, 13:51

715 izlenme


Candice Rees
AWE!! that's the cutest thing I ever seen!
♥ =)

Ashley Howes
awwwwwwww now everything must be moved up one
shelf such a cutie though omg hugs

Kelsey Restinpeace'Phsyco Hall
Aweee!! She's such a Cutie! :)

Johanna Rosales
awwww she is so cute :)

Kayla Hawco
awh shes such a lil sweetie so cute :) cant wait
for my niece to start walking :P

Steffanie Rees
awweeee, shes doing it all by herself!!!! baby
ems =( shes growing up to quick

Ashley Noelle S-Hall
‎:) Thanks Ladies! She walks around more than
she crawls now, She is growing up 2 quick Steff!
time flys by way to fast... :(

Steffanie Rees
last week she was stil having troubles standing
up on her own, today shes walking, :o soon shes
gunna be talking ♥

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