What Have you Done

25 Haziran 2010 Cuma, 16:25

1371 izlenme


Michael Grant
This song and video rocks!!!!

Jose Guevara Castro
me encanto

Cristina Rodrigues
Jesus, so so so great

Aditya Filth
sumpah....keren bngettt.......

Jose Briceño
muy bueno

L Ann Rojas
‎:3 ♥ ♥

JoAnn Gabriel
Lov it!

Roy Jf
wahh keren ya....

Corey Brown

Donia Jerbi

Verónica Cruz Avila

Edgar Mauricio Sanhueza Miranda

Meyta Jessica

Stanislava St

Maria Delgado
eslo mejor q e visto

Juan Carlos Soto Leon
ta bien

Sarah Lyn
la seule mu*** ke jaime dommage kils ne soit pas
autant connu ke leur talent

Melissa Dekijvere
gewoon een prachtig liedje

Dano Doriot Novák
WT ftw

Marlene Rasmussen ✫
i love this song, as i love every other song ♥.
Since 2004, they have been in a speciel place in
my heart - and the love has grown more and more.
The lyrics, the music - everything! It helps me in
my life, no matter what kind of situation i...m in
- they help ♥.LOVE!

Bianca Stehling
Super BAND

Medardo Sismaid Vergara Flores
Un exelente grupo tocan muy bien.......

Rui Ferreira
um som a maneira

Rocky Rocker
one of the absolute f*cking best song by Within

Rui Rebelo
Sem palavras é simplesmente espectacular...WT

Marta Łada
zajebista piosenka;)

ĶàmiĺlỴ'à Śçhíçø
nos miheuuuuuuuurrrrrre

Daviela R Sánchez R

Syahpoetra Corner

Manuel Barbosa
it s***azing...

IiFthii IiKctrkii
that s wonderful

Steve Hopewell
tara turunen was the best singer they had

Paulina Kotulska
‎!! What Have you Done :) is the best !

Marcel Parnitzke
i just love this song :)

Helena Vorobyeva
Sharon is the best

Bella Jou Jou
i love it ♥ ²

George Oxford
absolute brilliance

Verborgen Ik
liedje is zalig om me dinge te gooie as ge kwaad
bent of gwn om op te springe in uwe zetel =) al uw
woede weg gooie

Aurore Plunet
l love !!!!

Leona Kolínková

Mary Dian
the best of the best !!!!!!!!

Bagus Kresna Murti

Catarina Reino
i love it!!!

Renata Szkuat

Wolfman Tunnes

Joni Irawan
wow you are the best!!!

Kakak Pertama
yeah...i love this song...so much..good luck

Chose Armando
ůžásna nádherná no prostě klasa!

Yve Doval
I love Within Temptation, the best!!!!!!! Sharon

Savaş Postal
that's great

Bernadette Anggraini
je t'aime WithinTemptation..J'aime
beaucoup votre style Sharon..roman ***hique

Isabel Garcia Dlc

Rose Hewins
Awesome! Awesome!

Radka Pechová
moooc superrrrr....

Johnbhoy Mclachlan
what a song seen u at download was awsome xx

Angelo Giussani

Lvpaysages de la Vie
i like it!! so gd..:D

Wendy Yehia
Love it!!!

Acep Punk
i love you within temtation

Rod Tubay
Nice one

Corinna Stadler

Jessica Groseille
j'adore... magnifique groupe

Joel Den Adel
esta es una de mis canciones favoritas***o a
sharon den adel me gusta su voz saludos within
temptation saludos desde mexico :)

Heydy Mallette
ay loo***ee me encanta esta cancion de within
temptation!!! xDD

Hamza Van Velzen

AGaëlle D Lolka

Jii Had
W.T ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Ana Paula Depp Tyler
caracaa tipo assim essse musica e UTOPIA saoo as
minhas musicas escuto 1.0000000 mais naum enjou
delas***ooo a sharon elaa e linda sua voz e
perfeita mais bonita do que a da tara turuni
bjinos pra vcs.

Janfred Fama
wow!!nice i like it!!!

DorotaAnna Mackiewicz-Gruszka
poprostu cuuudooo! it's a beautiful and
miraculous :)

Mamang Atasi
sworone ayu cocok kro wonge...

U-riezz Andesty
I like it..

Jamey Rogers
One of the best bands of all time

Robert Young
love this whole cd you know it would be nice if
you were to come to the states.... you do have a
very big fan base in the u.s.

Viva Paramore Paramore
esta banda es lo maximo para mi la mejor del mundo
ojala algun dia vengan a venezuela seria lo maximo

Agnieszka Głąbek

Santos Helder

Riduant Allqurni
collll abizzzz....hahahaha

Sarah Parker
W T freaking rocks the truth to those who have
ears to hear . The lyrics makes me sing myself
into a better attitude.

Janset Atacan
A W E S O M E ♥

Khoa Le Vinh Dang
the very best

Victor Chau
Realmente asombroso, esta banda es genial y de lo
mejor en su genero

Nikoletta Ślusarz
I love this song! It's one of my favourites
of Within Temptation

Luis Mauricio
i like this video is my favorite

Marissa Gebhard
This is one of my favorite songs!!!!!!!!

Giri Zaxina
like this

Thomas Farmahian
I love this song .and happy new year.

Zebrul Hossain
Would you mind if I hurt you? ♥

Nniitha BellaQa Viip
i ♥ love within temptatiion!! ♥ _ ♥

Justina Sabeckaite
just PERFECTO!!!! love it! ♥

Dorothy Phliabaum

Issy Musiic
I haven`t any words for the band.I want they to
come to Blagoevgrad ♥ (love)

Tracy Cook
within temptation never cease to***aze me jst pure

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