Where the Sixth Man Happens [HQ]

27 Ağustos 2010 Cuma, 16:30

972 izlenme


Rod Spradley

Han Nguyen
I go with Lakers...Lamar Odom

Gurdeep Bhatia

Moses Escorrido
LOL... lot's of comments I see is name of a
player who plays as a 6th man. That's not
whats this commercial means, the CROWD is the 6th
man, not Jason Terry, not Jamal Crawford, not Manu
Ginobili... It's all about the CROWD!

Abdulaziz Al-Dandashi
Toronto Raptors :)

Assaf Yudkovsky
tim dunken is the man super player

Jyschar Carillo
*** LeBron is the best player of the league

Isaiah Christopher Bejarin
Atlanta Hawks - Jamal Crawford MVP this season -
Lebron James , not Kobe ........

Ralph Roxas
damn its good....

Abhinav BHardwaj

Marius SanJuan de Dios
i think the pistons they have ben gordon hehe!!!

Thoto Quero
Nice game!

Sammy Nnaji

Josh Tate
Nuggets baby!!!! NO way to deny it! Hard to
decide our starters sometimes and with being 2nd
in the west, there is your proof!

Gigi Bryant
sixth man ;)

Antonio Isaias Reyes
Cavaliers Baby. They were 39-2 at home last year
and they are 24-3 right now in The Q. There isnt
any better crowd then the Cleveland crowd!

Boogie Viguilla
the Q!!!!

Hayden Thorpe
Cleveland allll the way

Krevin Chen
Jamal Crawford or Odom

Noli Fiaoag
cool!!!place huh,.

William Li
Good commercial in this time!

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