WISH YOU WERE HERE.. 3 (ural giray çelikcan)

05 Aralık 2010 Pazar, 07:57

862 izlenme


In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan
I'm URAL's mother. I prepared this
video for "Father's Day" to my

In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan

Florinda DeBord Warren
I Love this!! He looks like his father!!

In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan

Yusuf Ziya Çelikcan
Mss. Florinda... She can all..!!!♥

Kim Jett
I just watched this video and the love in
Ural's father's eyes is***azing! You can
almost feel the love between them!
Beautiful...thank you for sharing this with us

Melanie Fitzgerald
To ural mum , i read what you wrote about the
last time you saw your son and i was in tears,
please try and be strong i know that knowone can
feel your pain, but other mothers are here like me
and our hearts pain every time i see your sons
...beautiful face, but in his face i also see a
wonderful little boy who was loved so much and
even though his life was short it was full of all
the good things a childs life should be filled
with, be proud of all the wonderful love and
memories that you gave him as a family each day
and know that no one can ever take that away ,talk
to ural and say to him remember when we done this
or that and im sure the two of you will smile
together and even laugh, im sure that you will
feel him near you.!

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