Yoga for Wine Lovers [HD]

21 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi, 21:45

1601 izlenme


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pcjfhdföfjffjfmfnfflkfghf fkflfjfhds skkfkfhf
fnmfmf fmf fmf fmkf fkf fkf fk ffk ffkf fkf

Janicke Marthinsen
Tror jeg likte denne formen for yoga

Julie Weber
Hilarious!!! I will have to incorporate that into
my Yoga!

Marcia Valéria Russo Nercolini
Muito bomm!!!!

Ketty Magnusson
Måste man ha en flaska med vid yoga? då ska jag

Bob De Groot
Erg leuk

Ingrid Nyberg
Den vb jag till pilatesgruppen ;-) Har själv
startat vita veckan

Ann-kristine Jakobsen
Ha ha,den var artig.

Annika Jonsson
The realy face of yoga. Yes!!

Maria João Mendes
a modalidade ideal para mim... pá!

Malin Hellholm-karlsson
Ha, ha, ha denna måste jag sätta i min status!

Trudi Lesser
love it! that's my kind of yoga! thanks

Beth Althof
Let me know when you start teaching this class
Melissa - sign me up!

Jane O'Loughlin
very funny!! ***ta share this one

Ann-Kristin Haugen
Love it!

Roza Edelman
vin yoga skal blive min nye hobby!:))

Lynda Thomas

Deniz ılgaz
zen mind :)

Sharon Knight
Looks like a good "end of the day" yoga
to me. Thanks for sharing.

Candi Duke Huge
actually laughed out loud!

Shelagh McNally
hey -- i'm going back to yoga class!

Emelie Hubert
We're having a Name-that Asana contest! LMAO

Kathie Martin
love it! Yoga here I come!

Gautam Jalan
Lovely, after this even I want to join Yoga

Ragnhild Grøndahl
Jeg er overbevist ; det må bli yoga !

Niyam Bhushan
hahahah! I *Love* it.

Andy Vind
Wonderful stuff. The pragmatist in me says skip
the yoga and go straight to the wine tasting!

Giovanni Cacioppo
yes***ore ...iu think you are ready for this
difficult yoga level.. but after this

John Hatton
Been there, done that. (Except for the yoga bit)

Sara Asseis Brito
Nossa, muito convidativo! Suave, embriagante. Vou
tentar fazer hahaha...

Madeleine Dahlvid
man kanske skulle ha en vinflaska med sig på

Sharat Nag
love this video.

Marie-line Darcy
cool....ça marche avec le tai chi???

Manuel Andrade
My kind of yoga definitely!!!!

Sandra Smiltniece
Pilnībai nav robežu!

Anne-Grethe Hegstad
Inspirert etter afterski i Østerike kanskje??? He
he...tror ihvertfall enkelte i Kitzbühel gjorde
tapre forsøk på det samme kunne det se ut
som;-)))) ( IKKE meg altså...)

Bondor Szabolcs
A hulla-póz simán menne!!!;-)))

Ricardo Melo
the complete relaxation :)

Kjersti Knarvik
Na super

Magda Araujo
Very good.

Martin Guldberg
Urdva Danurasana needs a few alignment corrections
- but what the heck: I' sure the wine will
compensate for that! :-)

Magdalena Korzeniak
he he he od dziś zaczynam ćwiczyć jogę :)

Cathy Hunt
I wish my yoga class served wine. Of course I also
wish I was that nimble, flexible not to mention
thirsty. That was an entire bottle!

Magda Araujo
Maybe if I take wine, could all these possições
.... kkkk

Judy Gladson
huh, have been thinking about taking up yoga, now
I will for sure ;-)

Andreas Öster

Becca Eskridge
I love it!!!

Aude Rolland
c'est trop mignon!

Carol Alencar

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