YOUDEAF - Hachiko deaf help

03 Ekim 2010 Pazar, 16:55

1323 izlenme


Marko-Zorica Stjepic

Dimityr Georgiev
ineresno i pomagam ku4e.:)

Cindy Marie Veerasamy
Aww that is brilliant!!

Linda Parker-Carrus this kind of dog since I saw movies
"Hachi"....very emotion movies....

Fée Eloy Elfe
j'aime ca

Sherry Wilson
WOW! awww cute.. i used to have akita dogs.
Akita's are closely related to shiba

Khalil Fortaleza Haj
Wow. I wanna be Hachiko.

Tobias Knothe
thats great what a dog helps deaf woman cool i
would ölike to get this dog:-D

Maureen Therese Cultura Bagaloyos
wow congratulate to the dog can help the deaf
person anyway

Galin Mihaylov
i love dog!super

Kenneth Richardson
awesome the dog help deaf people could notice by
the car !

Karla Oakley
that very good dog help deaf woman

Corinne Guichard
c'est un super guide pour elle !!!

Mária-Magdolna Orbán
awww,very good dog help for deaf woman:-) super

Frantisek Urban
oplati p***y pre deafi super

Isabelle Chevalier-masse
j'en veux celui là

Victoria Blanchfield
cute shiba inu dog smart help deaf woman
wow .

Leonīds Pāns
Super suns

Valentin Etienne

Wing Chu
My family has it dog.but not smart.

Eleazar Fancubit
I was child I watched tv about this. Now I know

Ricendy Januardo
wow nice :)mau seperti itu hihihi

Sandra Manojlovic

Johnny Leif Mortensen
jeg er ok og meget fint

Alena Ptáčková

デュラン セルジオ
WOW... Like blind people whom have a dogs...

Hilda Garcia

Ruxandra Lichi
nice dog and helpful!

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